What a fantastic month for PS3 games, there are some really high scores (*cough*) out there! Personally, I feel that the Dead Space score is too low. What do you guys think?

PS3 games collection list - ranking

Here are the latest review scores, taken fresh from the UK OPM (#25, Dec 08)

Resistance 2: 9
Mirror’s Edge: 9
Bioshock: 10
Tomb Raider Underworld: 8
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift: 8
Far Cry 2: 9
Midnight Club: LA: 9
Dead Space: 8
Saints Row 2: 5
Tom Clancy’s Endwar: 8
Valkyria Chronicles: 8
Baja: Edge of Control: 2
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009: 8
Disgaea 3: 8
Silent Hill: Homecoming: 7
Lego Batman: 7
NBA 2K9: 8
Blitz The League II: 6
Mega Man 9: 5
NFL Head Coach 09: 7
Soul Calibur IV (online mode only): 7

Rats. I was quietly hoping Mirror’s Edge would suck so I wouldn’t have to drop ANOTHER $60 in 08. Oh well…

The Dead Space score is accurate. The game is great, but there are a few issues holding it back from being excellent.

I’ve gotta agree with Juano, I’ve rented Dead Space, and whilst it is pretty damn thrilling and the graphics are spectacular, some sections of gameplay, and the enemies (apart from the bosses) are all very similar… If it had different, inventive ways to kill people, and the enemy sprites were different, then I reckon it could’ve scored 9…

Oh, and I’m REALLY annoyed that Bioshock scored 10, simply because I was only planning on renting it, but now I feel the compulsion to buy.